
The Boy’s Room

The Boy's Room

The boys room is an homage to childhood in general

The decor in this room is a combination of the collection of Beverly and Kym. Beverly painstakingly wrapped up and saved from her actual childhood toys. She did not display any of her collection in her home, at least not until Kym uncovered them!

Now on the other hand, Kym collected bits and pieces of toys and things that were a reflection of some of the things in her childhood memory. Most of these are not Kym’s actual childhood toys, but there are a small few.

The beds in the room are the actual Maple twin beds that both Beverly and her older sister, Elaine shared growing up.  The handmade quilts were uncovered in a hope chest found in a closet, as were the 2 dark blue army blankets.

A Glimpse into Beverly as a child

In the center of this shelf was a small Monopoly Game that was Beverly’s as a child. It has her home address written on it with her phone number (LA 23 84), along with a jar of her colorful marbles.

Basketball trophy

On this shelf is the “Western High School, Athletic Merit Award, June 1954, Beverly Hafemeister. Beverly was a very athletic girl. She was tall, lanky and quite competitive. Western High School was her high school, located in Detroit, Michigan. 

Next to the trophy are 2 more of Kym’s childhood Presidents collection. On the other side is a metal mechanical windup chick.

Dick Tracy and Madonna

The dolls: Dick Tracy and Breathless Mahoney (Madonna)  are from the Dick Tracy movie in 1990.  (a gift from Kym’s nephew Ryan McBride–when he was done playing with them.)

 (Tidbit: All of Kym’s siblings including herself were named after a famous person of the time. Kym was named after actress Kim Novak, older sister Debby was named after actress Debbie Reynolds,  and Traci was named after a fictional character, Dick Tracy.  Now you’re in the know!)